Olá meninas,
td bem?
Hj eu achei uma coisa que finalmente tirou uma dúvida que já era antiga... hehehehe
O significado de "LOL"!!!!! hahahaha
Pois é, tinha vergonha de perguntar, e hj achei esse glossário de acrônimos! Veio do site http://scrapbook-bytes.com/
Bom proveito!
FAQ: A Guide to Chat and Other AcronymsBy Shelleyrae Cusbert 2005Apr 12, 2005, 23:27
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Conversational Acronyms
HTH Hope That Helps
LOL Laughing Out Loud
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
TTYL Talk to you Later
TFL Thanks for looking
DH Dear Husband
DW Dear Wife
DD Dear Daughter
DS Dear Son
MIL Mother in law
FIL Father in Law
BF Boyfriend
GF Girlfriend
TFS Thanks for Sharing
TFL Thanks for looking
BTW By the Way
FYI For your information
SAHM Stay at Home Mom
WAHM Work at Home Mom
WM Working Mom
BRB Be Right Back
BBS Be Back Soon
BBL Be back Later
IMO In My Opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IRL In real life
JK Just kidding
JMO Just My opinion
KWIM Know what I mean
GMTA Great Minds think alike
LMK Let me know
OMG Oh My God
PPL People
RT Real Time
TA Thanks Again
TY Thank you
YW You’re welcome
WTG Way to go
AFK Away from keyboard
AFAIK As Far as I know
GTG Got To Go
K Ok /alright
NP No problem
OIC Oh I see
PDQ Pretty Darn quick
PM Personal Message
TC Take Care
ISO In Search of
WB Welcome Back
Digital Scrapbooking Specific Acronyms
LO Layout
CASE Copy and Steal Everything
BCKG Background
PS Adobe PhotoShop
PSE Adobe PhotoShop Elements
PSP JASC Paint Shop Pro
PI Ulead PhotoImpact
DIP Microsoft Digital Image Pro
PIP Microsoft Picture It! Publishing
RAK Random Act of Kindness
FP Featured Product
CG Computer Generated
DSB Digital Scrapbooking
PSB Paper Scrapbooking
SBB Scrapbook Bytes
DTM Design Team Member
CJ Circle Journal
General Computing Acronyms
DPI Dots per Inch
PPI Pixels Per Inch
HD Hard Drive
CD Compact Disc
DVD Digital Video Disc
VCD Video Compact Disc
MP MegaPixels
Kb kilobytes
G Gigabytes
RAM Random Access Memory
RBG Red, Green, Blue
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
© Copyright 2003-2005 by Scrapbook-Bytes; & original creator/s of tutorials/articles
2 comentários:
Hahahahaha! Adorei!
Muito útil para Internautas!
Tbm. adorei, Su!!! Obrigada por compartilhar!!!
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